Sue Pyke


Sue grew up in Montana, met her husband while living near Philadelphia, and they raised their three sons in New Hampshire. She has lived in San Diego for over a decade and still doesn’t miss winter.

When Sue’s faith formation journey in Christ began over 40 years ago, she was a half-hearted convert with little idea of what lay ahead for the formation of her heart and mind. She’s still being formed by Christ and his church, but what she’s learned about the journey shapes her desire to help others take the next steps of formation in the ways of Jesus.

Before joining the Trinity staff team, Sue had served in several churches as a lay ministry leader, teacher, and writer for bible studies, small groups, and discipleship ministries. As spiritual formation director, she is passionate about developing creative spiritual formation resources and experiences.

She loves to be outside at the beach in San Diego or hiking and skiing with her family in the mountains.


Xis Ning


Allison Vandewarker