Nancy and Craig’s story


“God knew our need, before we did and we are forever grateful for His provision.”

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“From the beginning of our courtship we recognized God's hand weaving our stories together. The deep love of the Father had taken a hold of each of us, individually, years before we met. That was the core strength of the tapestry. "Hand in hand in hand", these were lyrics from a song at our wedding. We longed to follow Jesus, together.

Now after almost thirty years we can recount many seasons of God's faithfulness as we walked through the changes and challenges in our family, with work, in relationships, and a roller coaster of physical and emotional needs. Has it always been easy? No. But His grace and mercy are new every morning. It's true.

One simple, but powerful, example of God's faithful weaving was in a relationship with another couple that we met at a church we had originally been reluctant to attend. The Lord led us there but it was not fully clear why until years later. This particular friendship grew over the years through shared joys and sorrows. When one of our adult daughters was suddenly dealing with extreme mental health issues we did not have to think twice about who to call. Our friends had walked this road for a long while with their own son and we knew we could turn to them for the support and resources we needed for our daughter. We have learned since that time that it can take up to two years to find the kind of help we had immediately needed. The gift of this friendship, nurtured and woven into the fabric of our lives, met a need we never even imagined we would face. But God knew our need, before we did, and we are forever grateful for His provision.

God is the author and finisher of our faith story and with grateful hearts we continue to look to Him, as our Redeemer. When Jesus says, "Come, follow Me", we have learned that He can be trusted to be the Shepherd of our life.”

-The Caseys

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