Jonathan Fikse


Jonathan grew up in the church – both his father and grandfather were pastors – and while he doesn’t recall a time that he didn’t consider himself a Christian, Jonathan’s heart and life weren’t gripped by the gospel until later in life. His faith journey is characterized by the faithfulness and perseverance of a gracious Savior.

Upon completion of graduate school in Michigan (Go Blue!), Jonathan made his way to Atlanta. He became active in his local church where he served on adult fellowship teams and led small groups. 

It was at this church that Jonathan met his wife, Susie. Several years and three kids later, in 2012, God presented Jonathan and Susie with a new adventure in San Diego. What he thought was just a career opportunity, actually became a vehicle for God to increase his understanding of his need for Christ and the depth of God’s grace.

In addition to serving as an Elder at Trinity, Jonathan serves on Trinity’s operations and shepherding teams, and he and Susie host the young adults’ community group. 

Jonathan and Susie live in Poway, and they became empty nesters when their youngest went off to college in the fall of 2023. They’ve slowly replaced kids with dogs and with the addition of their Mastiff puppy, they now have three. When he’s not telling dogs to get off furniture or stop barking, Jonathan enjoys hiking, mountain biking, weekend road trips with Susie, and is still under the delusion that one day he’ll learn to surf.


Young Cho


Steve Palomino