

The practice of community is to actively participate in the communal life of the church by giving and receiving friendship, accountability, and gospel partnership in the body of Christ. It is in close community that we share our lives with others who are pursuing the Spirit-led process of apprenticing under Jesus. In biblical community we are a family of beloved sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. We provide for our sisters and brothers in Christ, caring for their physical and spiritual needs with servant hearts and sacrificial love in response to the grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:44-45).


With the practice of biblical hospitality we make room for friends and neighbors in our plans, our schedules, and our homes. We are willing to be interrupted or inconvenienced to love and serve our neighbors in the name of Jesus. We likewise imitate Christ when we invite the uninvited and re-humanize those whose humanity has been abused and degraded (Luke 19:5-10). When we practice biblical hospitality, we nurture the dignity and respect of others by honoring the image of God in every person.



